
Wednesday 25 March 2009

A blogger friend is back in hospital with her little boy. Please keep them in prayer. A blessing to see how they have lifted this little one up to Christ even though it it really hard for them right now. Why dont you head over to MckMamas blog and read about there precious little Stellan.

Prayers for Stellan


Have not forgotten about everyone. We have been so busy it is unbelievable. I am in the middle of studding for my test I have to take next week. It is the citizen test but I have to take it in order to get my final visa and then can get my citizen next year and dont have to take the test again. I also have gone back to UNI so that is keeping me very busy. K is also taking another course plus looking for work. Will post more later with more newsy news just wanted to say not forgotten just really busy with everything here.