
Friday 31 October 2008

Happy Birthday!!

I know it has been too long since posting and not sure who is still reading but just wanted to say happy birthday to my little boy! I can hardly believe he is two today!!! Just thinking back on the day and remembering how we almost lost him...I am so thankfull for these two years we have had with him. He is such a bright sunshine in our lives. Everyday so full of energy that keeps us on our toes. He has learned so many things in the last how to eat properly with a fork and knive.....becoming potty trained (yes we have finally mastered this one)......saying two and three word sentences (when his brothers and sister let him :))......and many many more things. We have already taken many photos today as he has opened a few gifts this morning but will take more later.

I hope to be better in posting more often and planning on posting our daily schedule so you can see just how busy we are (after much asking for it..:)) soon.

Untill then have a great day.