
Friday 31 October 2008

Happy Birthday!!

I know it has been too long since posting and not sure who is still reading but just wanted to say happy birthday to my little boy! I can hardly believe he is two today!!! Just thinking back on the day and remembering how we almost lost him...I am so thankfull for these two years we have had with him. He is such a bright sunshine in our lives. Everyday so full of energy that keeps us on our toes. He has learned so many things in the last how to eat properly with a fork and knive.....becoming potty trained (yes we have finally mastered this one)......saying two and three word sentences (when his brothers and sister let him :))......and many many more things. We have already taken many photos today as he has opened a few gifts this morning but will take more later.

I hope to be better in posting more often and planning on posting our daily schedule so you can see just how busy we are (after much asking for it..:)) soon.

Untill then have a great day.

Saturday 13 September 2008

Hurrican Ike

This storm has not been good for Houston. This link will take you to the KHOU 11 channel live stream feed if you are interested in seeing the damage and what is happening with the hurricane.

We are worried about our belongings that are still in Houston in a storage. :(

Saturday 6 September 2008


I have just put up a new layout. What do you think about it?

Saturday 23 August 2008

Back home....

thought I would give a quick update. We are back home. L and T and I got back at about 11:30 Thurs night (the 7th) with Nome and K and the boys got home about 6 pm Friday night (the 8th) Mum and Dad brought them back down.

Well this holiday was a very interesting one. The day K and the boys were supposed to come up he calls to tell me R has a big blister on his thumb from the tip of his thumb down to the base/palm of his thumb that apparently burst on Friday at prayer meeting. No one had told me about it till this time, :( K had called the NHS as this is a Saturday and the clinic was closed while waiting for them to call back he called me letting me know they might be delayed. Dad lathered antiseptic cream on it and wrapped it up. The NHS rang back and said he needed to go in but that they could go ahead and come up and then take him in. So I rang the NHS in Glasgow to get it sorted for them coming up. They said they would see him asap when he got there. They arrived at tea time and so they quickly ate and Alice took K and R to the A&E while I bathed the other three and got them into bed (mum and dad had left for there hotel by this time. They actually did not take all that long. But it was what I had suspected when I had finally seen it. Staph infection in his thumb. He had a small cut on it that had gotten infected, he had been helping grandad in the garden dirt with out gloves on with this cut and that is the easiest place to pick it up. So they put him on antibiotics and wrapped it really good, sent him home with lots of wrapping as I had to change it once a day. Gave him calpol and sent him to bed. :) he was such a brave boy the doctors and nurses were quite impressed with him.

Sabbath was really lovely. It was really nice to be back at St Jude's for two Sabbaths. Mr Macleod was there the first Sabbath but then he was on holiday the second Sabbath. Well Sabbath night my back started to hurt and I just was not feeling too well. So I went to bed and thought it was just tiredness etc. well woke up at 3am with a fever and my back hurting really bad. I took some paracetamol which helped but by 9 am I was back with a fever. Alice called her doctor and they told her to bring me in and they would have a look. By this time I new what was wrong as I could not even eat anything I was so nauseated. sure enough Kidney infection. :( The UTI infection I had the week before that we thought had cleared up went into this. arrrrg!! not what you want on holiday.....They gave me antibiotics and Alice sent me to bed. She is so sweet she took care of the kids so I could sleep. By 1 I was feeling better enough to eat something as I had not eaten anything yet. Went back to bed then got up packed a few things and went back to bed. The day went on like this till we went to Nome that night after tea. I was taking paracetamol every 6 hours and Advil every 6 hours (basically alternating them every 4 hours) just to have my back be where I could move. By Tues I was feeling so much better and by wed was able to stop taking the pain killers.

Monday T was playing in the back garden at Alice's right before tea when I heard him start to cry and then stop, well C brought him into me caring him facing forward. When asked why was he bringing him into me if he had stopped crying he put him down and said because there is blood......and I looked at C and he had blood on his shirt....well apparently someone not quite sure which one had let the skate board go (Neil and Donald were also outside and did not see what happened) and it rolled into the back of Ts head and gashed his head.....when I looked at him I immediately asked for a wet towel as head wounds do bleed alot. K went and got one while I tried to keep the blood from dripping on Alice's carpet....T was so good he just stood next to the chair waiting for the next directions I gave him.....not crying anymore....well the bleeding stopped very quickly and it was only a tiny gash.....We put a small plaster over it and off he went to play.

But our holiday went on.....Tues went to the transport museum with Nome and Sara S was there too. It was so nice to see her before they leave for Tx. Wed Nome, Sara, L and I went into Buchanan (sp) Galleries and had a girls day while K took the boys to the Glen Lea ship. Oh they had so much fun they got to do a treasure hunt and hoist a pirate flag up. Thurs I had to go return something at M & S and go to the book room. Then get things packed and loaded up into Nome's car and we left about 7 to head home. Each day I ended up taking a rest after we got home from our excursions but I am so glad to be over this bout of sickness.

On Saturday after we got home T was downstairs playing in the living room, He fell and got up and came to K who gave him a little love on the spot right next to his eye that he had hit...lo and behold while he was looking at this he saw this little blue line appear!!! by the time I got downstairs he had a good mark just under his the next day he had a full grown black eye!!! Just now going away....

and then Last Sabbath we had some dear friends the Fishers for dinner after church when R tried to climb up (now we have told him many times not to climb up to get a stool) and get the Sabbath books when he fell.....and bit a hole in his lip!! from the top of the lip down just past the bottom of the lip....Mr Fisher took a look at it as he is a GP and said he thought it needed stitches....So K called his dad who brought up there car and T and K went off to the A & E !! it turns out by the time they got there got through the system and all the doctor did not want to reopen any of it to do stitches so just to watch it and keep it clean. I put a plaster on it and pulled it together and it has healed pretty well.

So lets hope our string of disasters is over for now. This week has been fairly quiet in that respect!! C had football academy all week have pictures I will eventually get up here....have been doing a spring cleaning of my house....

And today L had to get some new school shoes and a rucksack along with pencils, pens, rubber, sharpener etc. Have to go through there uniforms and patch what needs patching from Cs to pass down to R. They go back to school in just under two weeks. so these next week and a half will be very busy preparing for that.

well this has gotten long enough. Will post more later.

Saturday 2 August 2008

Few random pics

Okay you have to read the last post then read the second then read this one. I dont like the way Blogger wont let you put them in the order that you want. It just kind of goes how it wants to go. But anyways thought I would put a few random photos in here that I have not had a chance to get up on here for everyone to see.

Ls new bike. Thanks to C and D and R Ross who so kindly passed this bike onto Her. She just loves it. :)

I just love this photo of my two boys. :)

C in his football uniform waiting to play football.

Here is C getting his medal. I hope to get some more better pictures of him playing in a couple of weeks when he has another week long football training. :)

Okay that is all for now. Will try and get some more photos of K and the boys when they get up. We are all looking so forward to them coming. :)

Till next time.
Here is T watching them playing outside. It had been raining so it was to wet for him outside. Besides he was all ready for bed and did not want to have to change him again. :)

A close up of T.

L even had Neil coloring with her. :)

Can you tell T really loved his chocolate cheese cake!!! (specially made by MJ :) )

pics of glasgow

Well K and the boys are on there way up to Glasgow today. It will be so lovely to see them after a week away. I have a few minutes so wanted to try and get some photos put up for all to see of some of what we have been doing lately.

We went to the Art museum on Tues which was so nice to see. it has been so long since I have been there. We only got the first level it has gotten so big they have redone it alot since last time.

Alice and L standing next to a bust of Queen Victoria.

Me and L and T next to Queen Victorias bust. L was so excited to see it she really wanted these photos. :)

L and Neil playing ball outside. L Follows Neil everywhere! it is so cute. Yet he is enjoying her as well. Reminds Alice of when K was here Neil was about Ls age and did the same to K. :)

Thursday 31 July 2008

Glasgow and such.......

Warning...a bit boring of a post:

Well here I am on holiday and actually getting to post. I wont be able to put any pictures up as I dont have the cord for my camera. I is bringing it up on Sat with him. We are having a really lovely time. The first few days were tough in that I got tosilitis and could not get to a doctor to get anitbiotics and I was feeling HORRIBLE! could harly swallow my throat was white. Was taking Beachams cold/flu honey and lemon drink which has pracetamal in it every 4-6 hours just to be able to swallow. Then I found this really neet home remedy I tried and WOW have never seen anything kick it like this did. So I ended up not needing atibiotics after all! Now I am feeling great.

We are at Alice Freekes for the week and having such a good time. We came on Monday as Alice had the Rogers for the weekend. IT was nice to see them again too. L has gone with Alice to pick up the girls from the airport today. So it will be nice to see them again. They have been gone since we got here.

We ended up not being able to go to Struan to the communion as the ministers needed the house we were going to stay in and so I could not bring T with me. It was too long to leave him with Daddy so we ended up staying at Nomes for the weekend which turned out nice being I was so tired and poorly. We hope to go up another time.

We had a nice surprise yesterday. Lyle and Anna stopped by here for a few minutes. It was so lovely to see them again. They were on there way up to Fort William and stopped to get some keys from Alice. They had just gotten back from their honeymoon. It was nice seeing them as I dont think we will get to see them before they go to Texas later in the month.

On Tues I went with Alice to take Leah and Nat back to the airport (at 6 am my children were still asleep here with the boys) as they were flying home. I had not seen Lean since we left Tx and I dont think I have seen Nat since Leahs wedding. It been along time. We miss eveyone back home so it was nice to see them again.

I dont know how many people actually read my blog so I will stop here before it gets too long. Leave me a comment if you do read then I know at least I have not lost all my readers with such boring unintersting posts. :) I hope to be more faithful in posting more often with more newsy news and pictures.

Till next time.

Monday 14 July 2008

Holidays and such

Wow cant believe I am actually getting to post again so soon. Thought I would do a quick blog as I am not sure over the next few weeks how much I will be near a computer to be able to be in touch or even blog. :)

Next Week L and T and I are going up to Struan for their communion. Then from there on monday we go back to Glasgow and stay the week with some friends. Then on that Friday or Sat Ks parents drive him and the boys up to meet us and we spend the next week in glasgow. It will be a nice holiday with the children separately and together. L is really looking forward to some mummy/daughter time and the boys are looking forward to some daddy/son time. :) they are all really excited about it.

Two more actual days of school left before summer holidays. They have school Tues and then the support staff, cleaners, kitchen staff etc are on strike so they have to close the school for Wed/Thurs so no school these days. I have a little girl from Rs class who is coming those two days as her parents are both working since we didn't know the strike was coming till last minute, then they have school Friday then are off on holiday. So this week is a little bizarre as our schedule goes. I was in school today then tomorrow I am home then on Wed/Thurs I watch this other little girl then in school on Friday then some really good friends from Manchester are coming for the day on Sat so our week is pretty full.

I have some pictures that I promised Rach I would put up from their visit here. The last one is of T when we went to York. I think it is a really cute photo of him. :0

Must get to bed only had two hours sleep last night. Couldnt get to sleep. But dont think I will have that problem tonight. :)

Friday 4 July 2008


Not really sure what to title this post as it sort of my dear sister put it about time you updated. :) I know I know I have been really bad lately with updating. Life is really really busy here right now. I keep getting asked what is our week like so I am working on getting that typed out and put up here so you can see exactly just how busy we are. lol!

only two more weeks and the children are on summer holidays. Wow this year has really gone fast.

We have had another round of sickness here in our house. This time we have had to go for the antibiotics. :( C got sick last weekend and ended up staying home for two days with a VERY sore throat and a fever. Then on Tues broke out with a nice rash! so with the white spots on the tonsils the fever and now the rash I pretty much figured out what he had but took him in to get antibiotics and make sure it was what I was suspecting and sure enough it was! Scaletina! (use to be called scarlet fever) So our doctor (who by the way is a brilliant doctor! He knows I would rather do natural things over antibiotics and so wont suggest them unless he feels they are very necessary and event then tells me to still do the natural things.) then asked how the others were and L and R have had sore throats but they have not been too bad but he gave me antibiotics for both of them to fill if they came down with this and sure enough R got it a couple of days later and today L has gotten it. T was not doing to bad so he told me just to call if he started well he woke up pretty crokey today so going into the weekend I went ahead and got his as well. so now I am giving four lots four times a day. actually T only gets it three times aday. K has got a pretty bad chest and throat as well but apparently it is very rare for adults to get SF so he did not see a need to give me or K antibiotics.

On the brighter side of things I have finished college! YAH!! I have to submit my portfolio of evedence to my teacher next week but everything has been signed off and now I am just making sure that all the pages I have signed and dated and all the evidence is in there and then I can give to my teacher who then takes and and finishes what she needs to do and then I will recieve my certification! So now I am a fully qualified level 3 teaching assistant!! Soon to be certified! hmm staff at school are trying to get me to go on and finish and do a full teaching degree...I think I will wait a bit with that one. :) So now I can just really enjoy working with the children and not have to be gathering evedence for everything now. :)

Okay have been rambling on enough now. Not sure even if I have any readers left since I have not posted in so long....I am needing my bed...I have been feeling worse as the day goes on I think I have got this stuff from the children now. so will say bye for now and hopefully get photos up soon we even have some from the Reynolds visit a few weeks ago. (I know I know Rach I am terrible at getting photos up.)

till next time. :)

Friday 6 June 2008

A very special week!

This has been a special week for C. Wed was his 5th anniversary of his cancer so officially we can now say he is in remission!!! He had a special day. It is hard to believe it has already been 5 years! Oh the mercies of the Lord in granting us this time with C. I often think back and am so thankful for all the wonderful ways we were able to see Godś hand in how things went. Please rejoice with us as we thank the Lord for his blessings in our sons life. :)

I will leave you with a photo of C on a walk with Grandad. They are at the canal just down the street from Grandads house. C has actually been inside this canal boat. :)

Friday 16 May 2008

Funny story

I just went and read a friends blog and she has put up the funniest story thought you all would like to have a read it is just too funny. :)

Tuesday 29 April 2008

More Farm pics

Okay Blogger is giving me grief tonight so scroll down and read the second post then the this one then the third one. Arrrgg just when you dont want to go wrong. :(

Of everything and anything....

Life doesnt seem to slow down these days. We are just as busy as ever here. All have another round of colds. but these dont seem as bad as what we have had previously. I am actually posting this from the front room! Yipee! we have our office now! well sort of. still a few items in the back room that will have to wait till K gets the shelves put up. we have the rails for the shelfs up now we just have to get the wood for them. Hopefully one of these days. :)

School or should I say college is going well. I am over half way thru now. My teacher thinks I will be done by June/July. hmm I think she is a little more optomistic then I am. ach well, will see what happens. The college has actually hired me to tutor one of the other ladies in my class. They heard I was helping her and now they want to pay me to do it! Wow I was shocked when my assesor told me this last week! I am only required to do an hour a week so that is not bad.

It is nice having less dust in the house with the front room finished. We almost have the backroom done with the window seat staining etc. Dad came last week and helped K get the plastering done around the windows and then I stripped the paint off the window seat and K sanded it. (my arms are still aching at the last attempt I did on sanding) Then today I got the first two coats of stain put on it. Now we just need to do the last two and put the paper up and paint. :) then the drapes can finally go up. I will finally have proper window coverings!

I got the drapes for the bathroom hemned last week at mums. So now they can go up once we get the curtain rail bent to the right direction. Dad is going to help us when he gets back. They are visiting his sister this week.

Since Ks parents are gone this week I have changed and am going into school thurs/friday instead of tue/wed as someone needs to keep little T while I am there. :)

I will leave you with some photos of the kids on a farm with Nome over the holidays. They had such a good time. Thanks Nome for taking them. And of course T stayed here with me so we had to get a photo of him after they got home. :) He is growing up so fast! Its amazing what he is coming out with these days!

ps there are actually three posts including this one of pictures. Opps just relised some I didnt turn. arrg.

Farm pics

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Scrapping/sanding/staining :)

Yes all of that has been on my agenda that last few weeks. K has been out of town to London and got home last Thurs. While he was gone I was sanding and staining the woodwork in our front room. G (Kś sisters husband) came and put the laminate flooring down in the front hall and front room last week Kś dad helped too. Oh it is nice to finally have flooring down and not just the floor boards. Then we had to scrape off some of the old wallpaper and put new stuff up.

Between the kids in school the first week K was gone and then they have been on holiday the last week and this week. And working in the front room plus getting a bunch of clothes ready to take to the NCT sale in Skipton last week I was very busy. Have not had much time to do really anything else.

This week is still busy just not as busy as last week. I have school tomorrow night and have started tutoring another student in my class. She came today for about 2 hours. little T was so cute as we were trying to study he kept coming up and asking me to read his book.

T sais quite a few words now. After I change his nappys he loves to take the nappy bag to the bin and when I gave it to him the other day he said ¨tantu¨ it was so surprising to hear him say it! :) he also sais ohdear, ohboy, ohwow, dandad (for grandad) daddy, mummy, pss (please) wawa (water) boot (book) bir (bird) gamy (grammy) dow (down) and of course his ohhhh for everything else. :)

The kids are enjoying being on holiday. They have all had colds. K came home with a cold so of course we all got it then as it was different germs to what we are used to. T still has a cold but hoping it goes in the next day or so. They have been playing out as much as weather permits. today was sleeting/hailing again. we have had so much of that this year. looking forward to warmer weather. :)

We hope to get the front room painted before the weekend and then once K gets the ethernet ports terminated in the front room we can move the computers in their in get the plastering done in the back room and get the curtains up and the office stuff out of the back room and have a proper family/living/dining room. :)

Well I will end with some pictures.

I came into the back room and found T up on the chairs ever so pleased with himself playing with the trains. Grandad had just been here playing with him while I was at the shop and I think that gave him the idea to play again. :)

Grandad and Uncle working on the flooring.

Can you tell my son loves his jam toasts!!!

These were taken awhile ago after our order from Asda arrived. T loves to help with the grocerys! can you guess what he loves doing with them....

Well must finish for now. Will post soon.

Thursday 27 March 2008


I cant believe it has been over two weeks since I updated. Life is really busy here at the moment. K went out of town on the 15th and came back on the 20th but then we had our communion here the 20-24th so were very busy with all the services and visitors we had. We actually had quite a few this time which was nice. The children were on holiday Fri and Mon so that was really nice. I was actually able to get to more services because they did not need as early to bed with no school. This week has been hectic. short week with monday being holiday. Tues Wed I was in the childrens school and today I am cleaning then have a govenors meeting tonight then K leaves on Sat to go back out of town for another 14 days. ugg! not looking forward to it. Mum and Dad our out of town this weekend to so that makes it alot harder. Next week is C birthday. last day before there two week holiday. He is pretty excited to be in school that day as they get to take biscuits with them.

I am on holiday from college right now. I go back the week the children come off on holiday. Being that there school is in a different county then college our holidays are different alot. Makes it harder for planning things. I have plenty of work to keep me busy. My assessor was out week last tues and has sent me lots of paper work from her visit I have to input into my book and answer lots of questions. Oh some have asked what I am taking. I am taking the NVQ level 3 teaching assistant course. I plan on eventually doing level 4 and then do my teaching degree. I am quite enjoying it. And the times I am in school are the same as the children so it is very handy. :-)

I am putting one photo with this from a few weeks ago when L had her foot run over and was on crutches thought you all would like to see it. It is all better now.

I have loads more but that will have to wait for another day I have more cleaning to do.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Of wisdom teeth and school...

Well it is interesting trying to come up with titles. And these two dont seem to mix very well. :) I have not been able to load any pictures lately as I have been up to my ears in papers for school. Remember yesterday I told you I had three papers due on wed....well...I managed to finish them up last night only to get in the mail today another packet from my teacher with about another 5 pages worth to do. :) hmmm well I have successfully gotten 3 done but 2 will have to wait to be turned in next week. Most of these are full of questions I have to answer but are not always easy questions. And I have to write diary accounts for different things. Once I get these all done and she grades them I will have four yes FOUR!!! Units signed off and fishished!!! Yipee!! only six more to go!! hmm that sounds like alot. But they are not as hard as the four I have just done. And this is all supposed to be finished by the 2nd of July....we will see if I accomplish this. :)

And to add to things that are stressfull right now.....I called to make an appointment yesterday with the dentist and went in today...well I am now sitting here typing to you with a VERY VERY SORE mouth! He pulled one of my wisdom teeth! and wants me to come back in a week or two to have the other one pulled. ugg! Not my cup of tea. I was in and out of their in 40 minutes! Thats even with him numbing my mouth three times for it to take. My ear was even numb!! Now that is a strange feeling. When your ear starts to itch and you try and scratch it and dont feel doesnt work....:( You cant feel a thing!! frustrating. My jaw is so sore I can hardly eat or talk. And to have this gaping hole in the back of my mouth. not used to that. When I had my other wisdom teeth taken out 10 years ago they sewed up the hole...well he left it just like it was when he pulled the tooth out. It is a strange feeling. ukk! The numbness has worn off now so taking paracetamol to help with the aching that is present.

But onto a funny thing that happened today when I got back into school (yes numbed face and all) I was suppsed to be in all day but had to take the morning off with the dentist appointment. The children saw me when they came in after playtime/lunchtime and the little conversations that go on with them is so funny.....

Ohh good Mrs Mxxxxxxx is back!!! (sorry dont put names in here)

But she looks different!! (Im thinking okay they can tell my face is swollen)

Oh I know she did her hair today!!!......

Now to give you a little history I always do my hair just lately have been wearing it up in a bauble with the front pulled up in a clasp as it was getting pretty ragged it had not been trimmed in ages. Well Sat I finally had it trimmed and slightly layered. well when I do this the curl comes out more, so this morning I just washed it let it air dry and wore it down for the first time in weeks. I had been blowdrying it hopeing that would have made it look better. So it was quite funny to hear them talk about my hair that way.

Well must get to bed. It is getting late and have an early morning.

I will one of these days post about what our week is like as I have had many request for this. Yes J will get to it soon. :) Just keep reminding me. :)

Monday 10 March 2008

Another round....

Another round of sickness has hit our family. uggg! But so far it has only hit the three boys. Stomach flu this time. Now Ks dad has it too. This year has been bad for bugs going around. EVERYONE seems to be getting something or other. L has a slight cold but so far as kept her tummy fine. :) So I have been kept very busy.

I have pics from Ls birthday last week I hope to get up soon. She had a really good time. We took biscuits into school on Wed for all her classmates and teachers. I had school wed night so we had her birthday dinner on thurs. with Grammy and Grandad. I made her a cute flower cake. :) She gots lots of nice things as well. Will do a post about it later.

K leaves this week to go to london for one week and then back up for one week then down again for two weeks. All in all he will be gone about 21 days in total. will be interested to see how things go. :) Im not looking forward to it. But well survive. He will be gone over Cs birthday. hmmm well have to make it special for him.

Well have three papers due on wed for college so must get them going. Have them part done but am in the kids school Tues/Wed so have to work on them today. :)

Have a great week everyone. :)

Wednesday 27 February 2008


No I did not type that wrong. We did have an earthquake! the largest in 25 years here. It hit just after 1am this morning. K was just getting into bed and I was half asleep when we started to hear this rumbling noise. K thought at first it was a big lorrie but then.... It got louder then the bed started to first I thought K was shaking it until I heard my tea cup on the chest of drawers next to me start rattling it had a spoon in it. I sat bolt upright! What was that! It lasted 10 seconds but it was a strange feeling. One of the kids called out "what was that mummy?" but then went back to sleep and we never figured out who it was as they went back to sleep and cant remember it....

Needless to say it was the talk of the town today. Aparently it hit in Lincolnshire (sp) went under the Pennines and hit us. (mountainous hills that run up and down the center of England) People in Liester (sp) ran out of their houses during it. There was some structural damage and one man in hosp with a broken pelvis as his chimney fell off his roof and ended up in his bedroom on his bed where he was asleep. Some people slept thru it some didnt. There was another after shock an hour later but it was so little it was hardly felt.

At lunch time the other teachers and I were looking at different web sights with videos and pictures of the damage and video of the actual earthquake that was taken off of a security camera. quiet interesting.

We found a few items on the floor this morning and Ls mirror in her room was askew. but nothing as dramatic as what they had closer to were it originated.

Not something I would like to have all the time. I felt a little one when I was in California about 12 years ago but this one was bigger. You heard rattling with that one this one you felt. :)

Well must get some sleep. Back in school tomorrow teaching the kids how to make paper flowers. :) Then must do some needed homework. Had college tonight so now I have more work to get done before next week.

Till next time.

Monday 18 February 2008

My Sweetest Surprise!

Well I was very suprised on Sat to get a delivery of some beautiful flowers from my DH! I was quite shocked and did not expect them! Even tho it was our 9th anniversary! I can hardly believe it has been 9 years! Wow time has sure gone fast! He was so sweet, he gave me a rose for each year we have been married. (he started this last year) He is so thoughtfull! I am so thankful to God for my DH, every day I am reminded of how much I am blessed to have him in my life!

I hope you enjoy the photos! They really don't do them justice of how pretty they really are!

Well must get some sleep. Have loads more pics I need to get up here so maybe in the next couple of days I will get some more up. :)