
Thursday 27 March 2008


I cant believe it has been over two weeks since I updated. Life is really busy here at the moment. K went out of town on the 15th and came back on the 20th but then we had our communion here the 20-24th so were very busy with all the services and visitors we had. We actually had quite a few this time which was nice. The children were on holiday Fri and Mon so that was really nice. I was actually able to get to more services because they did not need as early to bed with no school. This week has been hectic. short week with monday being holiday. Tues Wed I was in the childrens school and today I am cleaning then have a govenors meeting tonight then K leaves on Sat to go back out of town for another 14 days. ugg! not looking forward to it. Mum and Dad our out of town this weekend to so that makes it alot harder. Next week is C birthday. last day before there two week holiday. He is pretty excited to be in school that day as they get to take biscuits with them.

I am on holiday from college right now. I go back the week the children come off on holiday. Being that there school is in a different county then college our holidays are different alot. Makes it harder for planning things. I have plenty of work to keep me busy. My assessor was out week last tues and has sent me lots of paper work from her visit I have to input into my book and answer lots of questions. Oh some have asked what I am taking. I am taking the NVQ level 3 teaching assistant course. I plan on eventually doing level 4 and then do my teaching degree. I am quite enjoying it. And the times I am in school are the same as the children so it is very handy. :-)

I am putting one photo with this from a few weeks ago when L had her foot run over and was on crutches thought you all would like to see it. It is all better now.

I have loads more but that will have to wait for another day I have more cleaning to do.

Tuesday 11 March 2008

Of wisdom teeth and school...

Well it is interesting trying to come up with titles. And these two dont seem to mix very well. :) I have not been able to load any pictures lately as I have been up to my ears in papers for school. Remember yesterday I told you I had three papers due on wed....well...I managed to finish them up last night only to get in the mail today another packet from my teacher with about another 5 pages worth to do. :) hmmm well I have successfully gotten 3 done but 2 will have to wait to be turned in next week. Most of these are full of questions I have to answer but are not always easy questions. And I have to write diary accounts for different things. Once I get these all done and she grades them I will have four yes FOUR!!! Units signed off and fishished!!! Yipee!! only six more to go!! hmm that sounds like alot. But they are not as hard as the four I have just done. And this is all supposed to be finished by the 2nd of July....we will see if I accomplish this. :)

And to add to things that are stressfull right now.....I called to make an appointment yesterday with the dentist and went in today...well I am now sitting here typing to you with a VERY VERY SORE mouth! He pulled one of my wisdom teeth! and wants me to come back in a week or two to have the other one pulled. ugg! Not my cup of tea. I was in and out of their in 40 minutes! Thats even with him numbing my mouth three times for it to take. My ear was even numb!! Now that is a strange feeling. When your ear starts to itch and you try and scratch it and dont feel doesnt work....:( You cant feel a thing!! frustrating. My jaw is so sore I can hardly eat or talk. And to have this gaping hole in the back of my mouth. not used to that. When I had my other wisdom teeth taken out 10 years ago they sewed up the hole...well he left it just like it was when he pulled the tooth out. It is a strange feeling. ukk! The numbness has worn off now so taking paracetamol to help with the aching that is present.

But onto a funny thing that happened today when I got back into school (yes numbed face and all) I was suppsed to be in all day but had to take the morning off with the dentist appointment. The children saw me when they came in after playtime/lunchtime and the little conversations that go on with them is so funny.....

Ohh good Mrs Mxxxxxxx is back!!! (sorry dont put names in here)

But she looks different!! (Im thinking okay they can tell my face is swollen)

Oh I know she did her hair today!!!......

Now to give you a little history I always do my hair just lately have been wearing it up in a bauble with the front pulled up in a clasp as it was getting pretty ragged it had not been trimmed in ages. Well Sat I finally had it trimmed and slightly layered. well when I do this the curl comes out more, so this morning I just washed it let it air dry and wore it down for the first time in weeks. I had been blowdrying it hopeing that would have made it look better. So it was quite funny to hear them talk about my hair that way.

Well must get to bed. It is getting late and have an early morning.

I will one of these days post about what our week is like as I have had many request for this. Yes J will get to it soon. :) Just keep reminding me. :)

Monday 10 March 2008

Another round....

Another round of sickness has hit our family. uggg! But so far it has only hit the three boys. Stomach flu this time. Now Ks dad has it too. This year has been bad for bugs going around. EVERYONE seems to be getting something or other. L has a slight cold but so far as kept her tummy fine. :) So I have been kept very busy.

I have pics from Ls birthday last week I hope to get up soon. She had a really good time. We took biscuits into school on Wed for all her classmates and teachers. I had school wed night so we had her birthday dinner on thurs. with Grammy and Grandad. I made her a cute flower cake. :) She gots lots of nice things as well. Will do a post about it later.

K leaves this week to go to london for one week and then back up for one week then down again for two weeks. All in all he will be gone about 21 days in total. will be interested to see how things go. :) Im not looking forward to it. But well survive. He will be gone over Cs birthday. hmmm well have to make it special for him.

Well have three papers due on wed for college so must get them going. Have them part done but am in the kids school Tues/Wed so have to work on them today. :)

Have a great week everyone. :)